Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Convention Update.

ICS has been going quite well. Did any of you get to see the rally last night on the webcast? I though Ms. Kauffman did a great job with her brief testimony. She challenged the audience with the idea that if you allow God to take full control of your life, you can overcome any/all obstacles. Also, there is no better place to be than in the center of His will. Her segment can be viewed on the archived link for Monday night's rally. Click here> 2006 ICS Convention Archives.
Here are a few pics...

The male quartet just before their presentation....

Lauren and Brendon (the mixed duet).....

Lauren receiving some advice from her sister! She doesn't look impressed..


Anonymous said...

thanks rob for keeping us posted, but you copuld havea picture of my daughter in here......lol.
know really thanks for all you do in keeping things likethis updated much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

why doesthat say anonoymous

Rob said...

Probably because you didn't put your name in the comment box or check "other" before sending the comment.. lol