Saturday, April 07, 2007

Various and Sundry.

The longer it goes before I do an entry on here the harder it is to think of what to say. Oh well, this will probably be a bit disjointed.
A lot of activities coming up. I shall list a few:
1. Regional student convention this coming week in PA. We plan to stay up there to watch some of the events that Brendon and Andrew are involved in.
2. A wedding in VA next weekend.
3. Our annual school festival is next month.
4. Tax time is here. Oh joy!
Other news:
It snowed early this morning! What a wild beginning to this spring. In the past 2 weeks we have had temps around 80 degrees and a forecast over night saying as low as 28 degrees! They cancelled the sunrise service for tomorrow. I can't fault them for that decision.
Here is a quick picture of our beloved dog "Kibi".... (pronounced "key bee")
This dog looks very docile in the pic below but he has been involved in a rather disgusting activity lately. He drags the skeletal remains of a deer carcass out of the woods and on to the front lawn. Its not my idea of a nice yard ornament and he comes around smelling rather repulsive! Hopefully he will tire of such antics real soon...

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