Saturday, December 17, 2005

Caroling At The Mall.

Our Church was at the mall last night caroling. My father-in-law wrote an email regarding this effort. I thought it was well said and I have pasted it below the picture.

"We ARE the reason for the season!" That is what the preacher said. I heard him say that yesterday. He was not being smart--his point was:
"If it had not been for humanity (you and me) there would not have been Christmas". I have a Christmas cup that says: "Jesus is the reason for the season" I don't think I will be able to look at that statement again in the same way.
Last night, close to 100 Central people stood in the center of Dover Mall and sang our hearts out for nearly and hour!! Usually, we end with: "We wish you a Merry Christmas!!" and when we were finished, someone in the picture taking booth with Santa in it said: Happy Hanukah!" Perhaps he was attempting to be "politically correct"or he may have heard too much about Jesus!! We have been doing this sort of ministry for close to 40 years and as we were singing, I thought: "how special it is to be able to do this!!" My next thought was: "How long will it be 'til we are told--
"sorry--we can't let you do it no more!!" I'm sure you heard where parents were upset, because the teacher told her students: "there is no Santa Claus!" She needed to go back and tell a lie in order to take care of telling the truth!!!
As I watched the 'stream' of humanity moving back and forth while we sang, one could see the 'emptiness' of hearts without the Saviour of the world. no wonder I find myself often sad---

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