Friday, December 23, 2005

An Interesting Phone Call.

I wonder how many of you heard the young high school guy that called into Rush Limbaugh's show today? He was trying to get advice from Rush on how to respond to his liberal democrat father. Click here > RIGHTONTHERIGHT to find out how to replay the phone call. I actually got to talk to Justin online through Instant Messenger. Here is how the conversation went....

Rm6565: Hey man. Great call on Rush's show today. I bet you can't keep up with all the IM's coming to you!
RightOnTheRight: Hehe, couldn't be more right
RightOnTheRight: And emails
Rm6565: You are suddenly famous! :-)
RightOnTheRight: Ya
RightOnTheRight: Went from 120 hits on my site a day to a couple hundred per hour
Rm6565: Who is hosting your website? Did you have to upgrade or switch hosts?
RightOnTheRight: Hehe, my admin hosts a forum online
RightOnTheRight: He said his server crashed within seconds of my plug
RightOnTheRight: So he called his host company up and got it fixed
Rm6565: After you gave out your web address on Rush's show I figured it would crash! Anyway, I know you are a busy guy. Good chatting with you, keep on doing what you are doing. We need more young skulls full of the RIGHT mush! Merry CHRISTmas!
RightOnTheRight: Merry Christmas, and keep in touch
Rm6565: Sure thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's the direct link to the audio feed on

Good call and worth the time to listen!