Saturday, September 10, 2005

Cooking Crabs

Some of you are wondering how crabs are prepared for consumption. The most common way is to steam them. We have a steamer large enough to do 1 bushel at a time. The live crabs are placed into the steamer and seasoned a layer at a time with a dry seasoning such as Old Bay.(Hey Tom, I actually hyperlinked an ingredient!) We often use salt on each layer as well. The crabs are then steamed for around 30 minutes. The crab's top shell should be evenly orange when done. They are now ready to be brought to the table for immediate consumption. We always cover the table with paper. (old news papers work great) This allows you to roll the shells up in the paper and throw in trash bags etc. The pictures below will give you a glimpse of what a crab meal looks like. Does it make you hungry for one now?


Glen Zehr said...

Very good!!! I am still wondering how many are in bushel? Also what is your crab eating record at one sitting?

Rob said...

I never really counted how many crabs fit into a bushel. The number is mostly affected by the size of the crabs. If they are large it would mean you can't fit as many in. We usually have a mixture of small to large crabs and I would say that 40 - 50 crabs per bushel would be a close number. I can usually eat about 6-8 crabs per meal. This also depends on how full the crabs are. Certain times of the month can affect the amount of meat in a crab.