Sunday, September 25, 2005

Father/Son Retreat

We really enjoyed the time at Camp Mardela again. Plenty of Rook was played, crabs eaten, late night chats, challenging emphasis on the topic "What makes a Godly man?". Many thanks to Steve and Willis for all the effort and time they put into the planning. The big crab effort went over quite well even if there was a delay on getting them steamed. I think there were 5 boats out and we totalled 9.5 bushels!
Thanks also to Bro. Bill and Richard for sharing their hearts freely with us. It was very meaningful. Here are a few pics of the highlights:

Crab steamers getting fired up!

Richard expounding some of his wisdom...

Expounding cont....

Don't look so bored Freeman!

C'mon Vern, aren't you done yet!?

Table after table of shells. We had about a bushel left over
but they soon got finished off the next day or so.

The bleachers at the "fathers against sons" ball game.
PS. The dads won by 2 points I think.

What was so funny?


Glen Zehr said...

How many fellows attended the retreat and who won the ball game?

Rob said...

Glen, The answer to part of your question was found under one of the pics. You must have skimmed a little too fast. I think there were about 60-70 fellows total.