Thursday, September 22, 2005

Tutorial on Crab Consumption.

Here is the much anticipated post that all Roblog constituents have been waiting for. The promised "Crab Consumption Post"! It all starts with a successful crabbing trip. In other words, you have to catch crabs to consume them. I am going to try to use Picasa2 to highlight the trip and to do the tutorial on eating the crabs. I realized a little too late that I should have posted from last to first to get them in the right order but I didn't feel like redoing it. I would suggest you scroll down and start from the bottom up. I will do better next time.
My apologies to those of you still struggling along on slow old dial-up. I hope this big batch of pictures doesn't take too long for you to be able to view them all.


Glen Zehr said...

Amazing. Sounds like alot of work...

Anonymous said...

The pictures were backwards. I had to scroll down to the bottom of the post and work my way up to the beginging to veiw the tutorial correctly:) It was an interesting post anyway. Its ben along time since I've picked crabs. We used to do it when I was little. Although last time we did, I didnt care for it. Although give me a bowl of good crab soup, and Im a happy woman:)

Rob said...

I got the inspiration to do that sort of post from you Tom. Thanks and keep up the great work at ITF.