Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A Live Chat Session "DSL"

I was at Verizon's website recently to check few phone numbers for DSL availability. As often happens, a pop-up box came up inviting me to chat live with a verizon representative regarding DSL. Here is how the chat went:

We are routing you to a chat representative. Thank you for contacting Verizon Online DSL. Your average wait time is 4 seconds.
You are now chatting with Megan C.
Megan C: Hello. Thank you for visiting our DSL chat service. How can I help you with your DSL questions?
you: Hello....I have a few questions.
Megan C: I'd be happy to help you with that.
you: How come my number always shows unavailable when I check it for DSL?
you: Its the year 2006 and its hard to believe I can't get it yet.
Megan C: There could be several reasons. DSL is a distance-sensitive technology that works solely over copper phone lines. Currently, Verizon Online DSL is only available to customers residing within 3 "wire-run" miles (up to 18,000 feet) from their Verizon Central Office. In addition, customers must be served over copper wires.
you: But I have friends less than a mile from me that have had DSL for a few years now.
you: How come its taking them so long to get it expanded?
Megan C: I do not know why your area is not qualifying, or when it will qualify.
you: My mom can't even get DSL yet and she lives right in town
you: Cable internet is so expensive
Megan C: It is possible that there is not a port open for your line at this time and that is the only problem.
you: I mean, you all got a great price at 15.00 per month....but what good does it do if its not available?
Megan C: I'm sorry.
you: I realize its not your fault
you: I just can't figure out why it is taking so long to get DSL available on a larger scale
you: I figured by the year 2004 DSL would be everywhere
you: But it seems to be stalled out.
Megan C: Verizon Online continues to expand its networks. If you enter your telephone number on our web site, you will receive a page that will allow you to enter your name and email address for notification of future availability.
you: Hopefully that availability will happen in this century!
you: Thanks for your input
Megan C: You're welcome. Thank you for using Verizon's chat service. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again.
you: Ok. Goodnight
Your chat session has been terminated by the Verizon Online DSL chat representative.

As you can imagine, after this chat session I sighed and thought to myself "its hopeless" !


Rob said...

Nope. I have broadband through the cable company. Its actually faster than DSL. Most people don't want to pay 58.00 month for cable high speed but they really jump for DSL at 15.00 per month!

Anonymous said...

I doubt we'll ever be able to get DSL way over here in the boonies. :-(

Brenda Yoder